Our Ministries
A Place Centered On Faith & Family
Serving Geeseytown, Newry, Hollidaysburg, Altoona,
and the surrounding area
Please Stop in and Visit -
We would Really Like the Chance to Meet You!
Welcome to Geeseytown-Newry Lutheran Parish. We are a parish of two congregations, Geeseytown Lutheran and Newry Lutheran Churches. We hope this website can let you know a little about us.
Please take a moment to look around our site. The About us tab links to who we are, where we come from, what we believe, and photos of some of our recent events, please feel free to poke around.
Overall we think we are a group of honest, hard working, friendly people and we would really like the chance to meet you. We also would like to invite you to explore this website to see who we are. We hope you will consider joining us for worship, or one of our fellowship opportunities. Thank you for stopping by and we look forward to meeting you face to face. Please don't hesitate to Contact us if you have questions or comments. God Bless and we hope to see you soon!
Vacation Bible School – Every summer we host Vacation Bible School for the children of the parish and the community. We have a lot of involvement from the church both in planning and in working with the kids. What our hope is that each year our VBS can be an opportunity for kids to come and learn about Jesus in a fun way.
Camp Sequanota – Sequanota is the summer camp and retreat center of the Allegheny Synod. Members of the Newry congregation were instrumental in the building of the camp in the late 1940s. Today our parish supports this ongoing ministry by financial contributions. We have also had many members attend as campers and/or serve as staff and councelors. Sequanota.com
Kids Club and Jesus Loves Me Club meet periodically for dinner, a Bible Story, crafts and activities that reflect the story or the current season, and have a chance for fun and fellowship.
Please ask about being married in the church
Souper Bowl of Caring –
Every December and January our churches gather food as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring which goes from Christmas through Super Bowl Sunday. Food and funds are collected to help support our ministry to the Claysburg and Williamsburg food banks.
​Ladies of the Cloth
– Our ladies of the parish assemble on Tuesdays to sew and knot quilts to be given to those in need. These quilts are distributed to organizations like Lutheran World Relief and Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries or they may go to meet specific needs within the community. All are welcome to come and help, even if you have no experience sewing or quilting. The group is eager and willing to include anyone who is interested in helping out.
Women of the ELCA (WELCA) –
Our WELCA group is a way for the women of our parish to come together for the purpose of serving the church and the community. Our WELCA group has worked to do collections for the Altoona Domestic Abuse Shelter, has worked to knit prayer shawls for our shut-ins, has worked with the Red Cross to host a blood drive at the church, and does ongoing collections to support the area food banks and Lutheran World Relief. Our WELCA group also offers the opportunity for fellowship with the ladies of the church and with WELCA members from other congregations.